Friday, August 6, 2010

Surrounded by water

Work has been quite busy so I jumped  at the opportunity to take a road trip over the weekend. Alice Springs is a great place to be at the moment because it isn't scorching hot (yet) and there aren't the distractions of home. Just me , work and writing ( and the camera of course.)

These photos from the West MacDonnell National Park which begins on the edge of town. 

All around Alice Springs the rivers and waterholes are teeming with life. Ducks are quacking about here in the normally dry centre of the continent. Unlike most places, the water does not drain out into the ocean, it just sits around creating these temporary lakes.

Very brave kids out paddling in a tiny inflatable raft in Ellery waterhole.

The Ochre Pits were used by the Aboriginal people to decorate themselves for ceremonies and also to trade all across Australia. I love the wave effect, bending across the rock like a river.

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